
Exosomes for Future

A glance about us

We believe in shaping the future of regenerative healthcare—one groundbreaking discovery at a time.

Our Beginnings

DBL has been around since 2006, led by founder Dr. dr. Indah Julianto SpKK, was incorporated as company in 2012.

Trusted National Certification

Certified as ‘Stem Cell Processing Laboratory’ in 2015 by the Ministry of Health (Izin Operasional Laboratorium Pengolahan Sel Punca No. 1/I/10/KES/PMDN/2015 by Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal a.n Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia)

ISO by BSI Group

ISO ISO 9001:2015 certified: FS 674395 by BSI

A glance about us

We believe in shaping the future of regenerative healthcare—one groundbreaking discovery at a time.

Our Beginnings

DBL has been around since 2006, led by founder Dr. dr. Indah Julianto SpKK, was incorporated as company in 2012.

Trusted National Certification

Certified as ‘Stem Cell Processing Laboratory’ in 2015 by the Ministry of Health (Izin Operasional Laboratorium Pengolahan Sel Punca No. 1/I/10/KES/PMDN/2015 by Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal a.n Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia)

ISO by BSI Group

ISO ISO 9001:2015 certified: FS 674395 by BSI

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